Farewell to a Danish Age

Or, so long, Margarethe I talk about England. A lot. I’m aware of this. But the truth is, the country I’m really obsessed with is Denmark. Denmark’s role in World War II saved 99% of its Jewish population, and their Viking history is pretty cool, too. Denmark is consistently rated as one of the happiestContinue reading “Farewell to a Danish Age”

On British Imperialism and Shiny Things

Or, blood diamonds are a monarch’s best friend Britain has a new monarch, and with the changing of the guard, pomp and circumstance are on broad display. For the first time in almost three quarters of a century, the world is about to see a level of pageantry it’s hard to properly describe. Set forContinue reading “On British Imperialism and Shiny Things”

A Beginner’s Guide to The Crown

Or, apparently Prince Philip is not immortal It occurs to me that we’re now into season 4 of The Crown, with season 5 about to start filming, and I still haven’t addressed this masterpiece of a show. I mean, it’s a show that’s basically written for me. That’s kind of weird, isn’t it? Also, itContinue reading “A Beginner’s Guide to The Crown”

And Now, a Brief Introduction to the British Royal Family Tree

Or, the spastic ramblings of a caffeinated, bored, super-nerd I’ve always been interested in British history.  I could list off Henry VIII’s six wives since I was ten, and I had the years 1066 (William the Bastard invades), 1215 (John signs the Magna Carta), and 1485 (Henry Tudor defeats Richard III at Bosworth) stuck inContinue reading “And Now, a Brief Introduction to the British Royal Family Tree”